Alignment with the RIE & Highscope philosophies allows us to support the development of an authentic child who feels secure, autonomous, competent, and connected to the world around them. Our educators respect a child’s ability to learn and develop naturally and we give them ample opportunity to do so. Our educational approach is rooted in the belief that children have an innate ability and curiosity to guide their own learning through play. We emphasize “active participatory learning”. Active learning means students have direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events and ideas.
Respectful communication among families and educators provides an environment that encourages learning and growth. We carefully choose open ended materials/ resources to allow for manipulation, exploration, discovery, and problem solving. RIE is about respecting the child as an individual and as a
person, seeing them as an active participant in learning and not a passive recipient. The educator enhances their understanding of the children using sensitive observation and allowing them the bit of space they need to show us who they are and what they need.
Following an Emergent Curriculum Children’s interests and choices are at the heart of our program. They construct their own knowledge through interactions with the world and the people around them. Children take the first step in the learning process by making choices and following through on their plans and decisions.
We cannot wait to learn and explore in collaboration with your child !
The Centre is open Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:30pm, 12 months of the year. The following are our days of closure:
Family Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day BC Day Labour Day Truth and Reconciliation Day
Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Winter Break: Dec 24- Jan 1st Spring Break: Last Week of March (2) SD71 Pro-D Days in February/ October

Registration Inquiries
If you would like to waitlist your child or children in one of our childcare programs, please complete our Childcare Waitlist Form.